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through the direction of rotation. Certain forces of the most formidable character may
be invoked by circumambulation Widdershins when it is executed with intent towards
them, and the initiated technique. Of such forces Typhon is the type and the war of the
Titans against the Olympians the legend. (Teitan, Titan, has in Greek the numerical
value of 666). (For example, if invoking the powers of the constellation of the Bear,
associated with Typhon-Set in Græco-Egyptian magick, one might used widdershins
motions, from the apparent motion of the northern stars about the Pole Star). As noted,
while in section A. the entity invoked is hailed as  Asar-un-Nefer , the opening of
section C. is strikingly close to the beginning of an invocation of Set-Typhon in the
Leiden Papyrus (the Greek text of which was also, as it happens, printed by Crowley in
his edition of the Goëtia, as a curse against Mathers). If on the other hand we do not
want to admit that Kenneth Grant (see for example the notes to the edition of Magick he
co-edited with John Symonds) was right about this ritual after all, we might consider the
possibility that Samekh is, in fact, just as much an exorcism or banishing as the original
 Stele of Jeu : that is, it is intended to  deliver him, NN  the operator himself  from
the daimon which restrains him  his own mundane personality.
Possibly there is a qabalistic significance to this; one thus travels 2¼ circles total, or
810 degrees. The best I can manage off the top of my head is 810 = IW, Greek  Hail!
The identification of the Direction of Boleskine with the Kiblah (an Arabic term
denoting the direction one faces to pray) is presumably based on AL, III. 10 (plus the
other two verses cited, which are far more ambiguous). This involves the
assumption that  it in  it shall be your Kiblah forever refers to  thy secret temple
and that temple is already aright disposed and not  the stélé of revealing itself
. Assuming the thing has not been stolen (or sold by unscrupulous museum
staff) and replaced with a replica in the meantime, the original Stélé is still closed  in
locked glass in a museum in Cairo. Incidentally the name of the Victorious City can
be fudged to 418 in Hebrew just as easily as that of Crowley s country house.
Plate X in Equinox I (7) was an illustration to  A Brief Abstract of the Symbolic
Representation of the Universe ( Liber LXXXIV vel Chanokh ) showing various sigils
received during the Dee-Kelly workings; the four characters outside the square are said
to be the sigils of the four  Angel Overseers , referred to in Liber 84 (possibly following
a Golden Dawn tradition) as  Supreme Elemental Kings. In the Yorke Goetia, the
names and sigils appear at the head of each elemental section. The names are as
follows: Air (AR THIAO &c.) Tahoeloj; Fire (AROGOGOROBRAO &c.) Ohooohaatan; Water
(ROUBRIAO MARIODAM &c.): Thahebyobeeatan; Earth (MA BARRAIO &c.): Thahaaotahe.
The characters (in order Air, Fire, Water, Earth) are:
See  Liber O vel Manus et Saggittæ (Liber VI) In the Yorke copy of the Goetia, in
addition to the names and sigils mentioned in the previous note, at the head of each
elemental section is a stick figure in the appropriate elemental grade sign, along with the
appropriate invoking elemental pentagram and Hebrew name (again, see  Liber VI,
cap. IV, for these). At the head of the AOTH ABAOTH &c. section are shown the LVX
signs, the Mark of the Beast (see note below) and the invoking Active Spirit pentagram
with hyha; no signs, pentagrams or names are given for the IEOU PUR IOU &c. section.
i.e., the phallus.
In the Yorke Goëtia, this is the  Sun and Moon conjoined with two witnesses , i.e.:
Even if we follow Aune s translation of this line:  He is the one who made all things
by the command of his voice; Lord, King, Master, Helper most of this analysis stands.
One suspects the original idea was  having sight in the feet owing to lack of head.
 Bornless is a ghastly G.D.-ism, the Greek has akefaloj,  headless.
 Evil is not that great a translation of the original Greek which has ¢dikhmata,
approx.  unjust deeds ;  I am He, the Truth! who hate that iniquity be wrought in the
kosmos might perhaps be a better reading, the objection being to departure from the
equilibrium represented by the central position of Tiphareth.
Kenneth Grant, in a note to the RKP edition of Magick explains this thus:  The  ten
that is one is the I and the O conjoined: 1 + 0 = 1. The  one that is one in three is A
(Aleph) = 1. IAO, Aleph is the one in three. Aleph conceals the I and the O  in six, i.e.
Vau, the Son. The modified formula VIAOV (= 93 counting the O as o) is expounded in
some detail, as noted, in Magick. The footnote was misprinted in the first edition, reading [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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